
Oklahoma Proton

Protons 101 – Where Radiation Dose Goes

DISCLAIMER / About the Blog – Please read once if you haven’t. Today we’ll look at total integral dose delivered to the patient across a variety of cancers treated with radiation. Here is the crazy part of this post: For most treatments, much more radiation dose is delivered in normal healthy tissues than the target. […]

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Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month – April 2019

DISCLAIMER / About the Blog – Please read once if you haven’t. The month of April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month. So today we’ll look a bit closer at Proton Therapy and when it can be effectively utilized in this disease. Esophageal cancer will be diagnosed in about 18,000 new cases this year in the […]

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Protons 101: Esophageal Cancer Treatment with Protons

DISCLAIMER / About the Blog – Please read once if you haven’t. An Esophageal Cancer comparison plan performed at the Oklahoma Proton Center showing the difference in radiation dose between an IMRT plan on the left and a Proton Therapy plan on the right. Here is another example of a case and a tumor where […]

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Protons 101: What is Proton Therapy?

On a basic level, this is always the first question I get when asked why I moved to Oklahoma – What is Proton Therapy? So today, I’ll try to give a balanced look at why they are better and why, even with that statement, why they aren’t for every case: Breakdown of Proton Therapy In […]

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Benefits of Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer

TOTAL DOSE: A SIMPLE EXAMPLE SHOWING JUST HOW MUCH LESS WE TREAT WITH PROTON THERAPY. One of the more commonly treated cancers with Proton Therapy is prostate cancer. It’s use for prostate cancer has been a controversial topic for decades as people argue costs vs. benefits. In general, I think this is because men with […]

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Head and Neck Cancer Treatment, Part 2

Head and Neck Cancer Proton Therapy – A dramatic difference for some cases. DISCLAIMER / About the Blog – Please read once if you haven’t. For Part 1 of this Head and Neck example, please look here. In Part 2, we’ll move a little higher and look at dose to a few more structures and […]

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Head and Neck Cancer Treatment, Part 1.

An Educational Series for Informed Patients: Head and Neck Cancer Proton Therapy – A dramatic difference for some cases. Today, I’d just like to go into a bit more depth on head and neck cancer treatment and give a real life example. Radiation the main treatment for many of these cancers. Often it is combined […]

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