

OPC has implemented preventative measures in order to continue treating new and existing patients.

If you have questions or concerns, please read over the following COVID-19 section to learn more about the steps we are taking to ensure your cancer treatment does not get delayed.

We are committed to caring for our patients. It is still safe for patients to receive necessary care. If you have a scheduled appointment at OPC, please plan to keep this appointment.

If you are a patient experiencing symptoms like fever, cough, congestion, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches and pains or shortness of breath, please call our main line at 405.773.6700 and ask to speak to the nursing department prior to your scheduled appointment. 

Below are answers to common questions about COVID-19 that relate to our patients and community. The information on this page is subject to modification, pending guidance from the CDC, WHO and/or Public Health – Oklahoma State or surrounding counties.

I am newly diagnosed with cancer, can I still make an appointment?

Yes. Our mission is to care for cancer patients. OPC will continue to serve all current and newly diagnosed cancer patients. Please contact our main line at 405.773.6700 and ask to speak to a patient navigator to set up a consultation.

Can I bring children and family members/caregivers to my appointment(s)?

Children under the age of 12 are currently not permitted at the Center. We understand that a support system is critical to our patients. We are permitting (1) family member to join patients during their initial consultation at this time. We ask that patients currently in treatment that do not have a medical necessity for a caregiver attend appointments alone. In the event of crowding in our waiting area, required caregivers may be asked to wait outside or in their vehicle during your treatment time. 

What should I do if I have cold or flu symptoms?

If you have an appointment and are experiencing active symptoms, such as fever, cough, congestion, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches / pains or shortness of breath, please call our main line at 405.773.6700 and ask to speak with the nursing department before your appointment. Nurses will provide guidance about whether you should come to the clinic or wait until your symptoms are gone.

If you are already at the clinic, it is very important that you be honest about any symptoms you are experiencing to ensure your safety and that of other patients and staff who treat you. If patients have symptoms, we are typically allowing them to proceed to their appointments after fitting them with a mask, testing for COVID-19 if indicated and advising their care teams to wear protective equipment.

What is OPC doing to protect patients?

We are taking the following steps:

  • Screening all who enter OPC clinics through any entrance for fever and respiratory symptoms. Anyone with symptoms will be given a mask and evaluated in a separate area.
  • Limiting the number of visitors. This includes:
    • Limiting patients to (1) visitor during consultation appointments only or when medically required for treatment appointments.
    • Keeping all non-essential staff out of the clinic area.
  • Postponing all patient events, classes and volunteer opportunities.
  • Increasing the frequency of cleaning high-touch surfaces such as door handles and elevator buttons.
  • Requiring everyone entering the clinic area to apply hand-sanitizer  prior to entry.
  • Requiring all staff members to wear masks when treating patients or when work space does not allow 6 feet of separation for safe social distancing practices between staff members.

Should I wear a mask in the clinic?

Due to the new CDC guidelines regarding Cloth Face Coverings, as of Monday, April 6, every patient will be issued a mask upon check-in.

Should I be worried about getting infected with COVID-19 at OPC?

OPC has extensive and thorough infection control procedures, and we will do everything we can to ensure the health and safety of our community. We have protocols and systems in place to keep all patients, visitors and healthcare workers safe. Environmental Services has increased the frequency of cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as door handles and elevator buttons. The disinfectants that we use are effective at killing COVID-19.

Please be assured that OPC has a robust and strict infection prevention protocol to safeguard the health and safety of our patients and staff.

Is OPC testing patients and staff for COVID-19?

Not at this time. Patients and staff with COVID-19-related symptoms will be directed to a testing facility within the community if indicated. 

Is there anything I can do to keep myself, my family and friends safe?

The most important steps to take are:

  • Avoid going to gatherings with large numbers of people; heed social distancing guidelines.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Practice good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Plan how you will take care of sick family members. Make plans for childcare if you are sick or if your child is sick. Have a thermometer at home so you can check for fever if you or a loved one feels ill.
  • Try to get a few extra months’ worth of your prescription medications, if possible.
  • Stay informed – check the CDC site regularly for new updates.

How is the community working to slow the spread of COVID-19?

To stay proactive in a rapidly changing environment, on March 18, Governor Stitt issued two Executive Orders, Executive Order (EO) 2020-07Executive Order (EO) 2020-08, which strongly recommend Oklahomans follow all guidance from the CDC to protect public health. 

EO 2020-07 was amended on March 24 – Amendments to EO 2020-07

Eo 2020-07 was amended on April 1 – Amendments to EO 2020-07

Oklahoma Public Schools will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.

More information and about the COVID-19 outbreak in our region: